Dried oysters: types, benefits and more

Dried oysters: types, benefits and more

Dried oysters is a dried product of oyster meat. The Chinese pronunciation is "Háo shì", "Hao" means oyster, "shi" is not a meaningful word but to make up the whole word "Hao Shi" which in turn sounds like "good market" or "good things" in Chinese), it is a common tradition that the Chinese believes by eating foods that contain lucky meanings, especially during Chinese New Year, will give them luck. The origin idea was from Guangdong in China, by the Cantonese, therefore it is a famous food, especially during festivals in Cantonese cuisine.

Why making dried oysters?

When fresh oysters are dried, they become dried oysters, which not only concentrates the umami flavor, but also extends the shelf life and facilitates storage and transportation.

How dried oysters are made?

Freshly caught oysters are shelled, washed, and cooked in low-temperature salt water before being left outdoors for two to three months. This intricate process results in plump and flavorful oysters suitable for seasoning soup and porridge. While dried seafood factories in Hong Kong are now rare, the production of general dried seafood remains common in China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea.


Oysters are divided into sun-dried oysters and traditional dried oysters.

Sun-dried oysters

sun-dried oysters, also known as Golden oysters, are golden and shiny in color. They need to be sun-dried at dry low temperatures and natural sunlight for about 2 days. Only 30 to 40% of the moisture of the oysters are retained. They are made with higher-quality oysters and need to be dry. They are exposed to the cold wind and are only produced in winter, so golden oysters are also called "pre-winter oysters". The sun-dried oysters maintain the original flavor. Generally, the price of the sun-dried oysters is higher.

Traditional dried oysters

The method of "traditional oysters" is to steam fresh oysters, compress them a little, blow dry them with a hot air blower or sun-dry them, and then put them in a freeze room. The oysters still contain 15% to 20% moisture. This kind of oyster dried with a hot air machine is very dark and dark brown in color, but the aroma is not as good as that of the sun-dried method.



There are several principles to pay attention to when buying dried oysters:

Place of production

it is generally believed that those made in Japan are the best; those made in Zhanjiang, Chaoshan and other places are second; those made in Zhuhai and Shenzhen are also good, but those made in Guangzhou are not worthy of compliments.


the oyster sauce should feel dry and plump when pinched by hand, which means the oyster meat is fresh and rich in meat.


It should smell like oyster.


Check the color. Golden oysters are the best. At present, good oysters cost more than 100 yuan per catty. If they are of normal size, there are about 30 oysters per catty.


To prevent deterioration, it is recommended to store dried oysters in sealed bags or containers with desiccant in the refrigerator. Avoid contact with water to prevent dampness. Store them separately from fresh ingredients with high water content. Regularly check the oysters' condition to ensure they are safe to consume.

It is recommended to consume it within one month, while dried oyster can be stored for up to a year, but if consumed within half a year, the taste will be more fragrant.

Preparation before cooking dried oysters

Before using dried oyster, you need to wash it with cold water and soak it for half an hour. When cleaning, please pay special attention to the sides of the oysters and carefully wash away the sand hidden there. You can also add rice wine and ginger juice to remove the fishy smell after soaking.

Health benefits and nutritional value

  • The protein contained in oysters contains a variety of excellent amino acids, which can prevent arteriosclerosis;
  • Oysters also contain vitamin B12, which can activate hematopoietic function;
  • Oysters are rich in taurine, which is a good medicine for preventing and treating intrahepatic cholestasis during pregnancy;
  • It is rich in trace elements and glycogen, which is beneficial to promoting the growth and development of the fetus, correcting anemia in pregnant women, and restoring physical strength to pregnant women;
  • Oysters are the best food to supplement calcium. They are rich in phosphorus and are beneficial to the absorption of calcium.

In Chinese medication perspective, It clears away heat and removes dampness, produces body fluids, quenches thirst, and removes dampness and toxins. It is especially suitable for people with "hot-based" who exercise less and sweat less.

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